Breeding Birds & Summer Nature Walk

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Name: Breeding Birds & Summer Nature Walk
Date: June 17, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Event Description:
            Come and join our trip leader Rick Marra for what should be a pleasant early summer morning nature walk with an emphasis on summer resident and breeding birds. Rick is an Oxbow Inc. advocate, and an avid and experienced birder. Rick will surely help us find a diverse number of seasonal birds.
             During June birds are abundant in the Oxbow area and almost all of them are involved in nesting and breeding activities. You may be surprised that nearly a hundred species of birds regularly breed within the Oxbow and adjacent Shawnee Lookout Park. Rick will begin our trip exploring around Oxbow Lake but will then likely move us over to Shawnee Lookout towards the end of the morning to take full advantage of the diverse habitats that can be found in the Oxbow area. Between the Oxbow, Lost Bridge and Shawnee Lookout we can expect to see and hear several species of water birds, raptors and a host of warblers, vireos, swallows, orioles, tanagers, flycatchers, sparrows, grosbeaks and buntings, cuckoos and lots more. June is also the peak singing period and the morning chorus of bird songs will be quite vocal, giving us a great chance to track them down and get a look. Rick will be sure not to overlook the other wildlife we are sure to run across during our walk.
            Most of this trip will be on foot, but walking will be easy to moderate and at a birders pace. To insure your comfort, remember that June can be hot by mid-morning. You may want to consider bringing water, sunscreen and insect repellent. You can always expect some mud in the Oxbow so waterproof footwear is always a good idea. It goes without saying that binoculars are necessary for seeing small birds. Restrooms are available nearby. *Note: A Great Parks motor vehicle permit is required at Shawnee Lookout. Permits are $10 annual or $5 daily for residents of Hamilton County and $16 annual or $8 daily for non-residents. Feel free to contact Rick if you have any questions.
Meet at 8:00 a.m. in the upper Oxbow parking lot at the main entrance to the Oxbow.  Google Maps search "Oxbow Nature Conservancy"
Date/Time Information:
June 17, 2023 8:00 AM to Noon
Contact Information:
No admission
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